The Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey (REOS) Recruitment Insights Report for October 2023 was released today. The new-look report features extra content, including data on vacancies that were unfilled for more than a month.
At a headline level, the October 2023 results show that recruitment difficulty eased over the month, while recruitment activity was unchanged.
In more detail, recruitment difficulty decreased by 3 percentage points in October to 56% of recruiting employers. The recruitment difficulty rate was higher in Rest of State areas (59%, down 7 percentage points from September 2023) than it was in Capital Cities (55%, down 1 percentage point from September 2023).
The proportion of vacancies not filled within a month fell to 50%, its lowest level since September 2021.
There was no change in the recruitment rate (49%) between September and October 2023, but it is 9 percentage points lower than last year. By region, the recruitment rate in Capital Cities was 47% in October 2023 (down 2 percentage points over the month), and 54% in Rest of State areas (up 5 percentage points).
The proportion of employers expecting to increase their staffing levels in the next three months was 20% in October 2023, easing by 5 percentage points over the month. In comparison, only 2% of employers expected to decrease their staffing levels in the next three months.
Read the full Recruitment Insights Report now.