Recruitment activity softens further in June

This story was first published on Tuesday 16 July 2024.

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The Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey (REOS) Recruitment Insights Report for June 2024 was released today.

A decrease in recruitment activity of 8 percentage points was recorded in June compared to May 2024, with 39% of employers recruiting last month, Recruitment activity was stronger in regional areas at 44%, compared with 37% for employers in capital cities. The recruitment rate declined in capital cities over the month by 8 percentage points, and by 7 percentage points in regional areas.

The proportion of recruiting employers experiencing recruitment difficulty also declined, falling by 1 percentage point to 55%, 8 percentage points below a year ago.

In June, employers were slightly less optimistic about future staffing levels, with the proportion of employers expecting to increase staff numbers in the next three months easing by 1 percentage point to 18%.

These findings are generally consistent with other labour market indicators, such as Job and Skills Australia’s Internet Vacancy Index, which also point to an easing labour market.