Job ad declines in December and the 2024 year in review

Australia’s job market saw a 2.5% drop in online job ads last month (seasonally adjusted), continuing a year-long decline. However, online job ads remain 25% higher than in 2019, indicating ongoing resilience compared to pre-pandemic levels.

Most states, territories, and occupation groups experienced declines, with Tasmania and the ACT seeing the largest drops. At the national level, decreases in job ads occurred particularly among Community and Personal Service Workers and Skill Level 1 roles. Regional job ads fell 12.1% over the year, while capital cities dropped by 14.1%.

Year in review

This month, we revisit three popular spotlights of 2024 and update the analyses for more recent changes in the labour market. 

In February: The Hard Sell: Why Demand for Motor Vehicle and Vehicle Parts Salespersons Isn’t Creating More Jobs

Now: Despite earlier demand spikes in Motor Vehicle Sales Roles, both job ads and employment have fallen as economic conditions eased.

In March: BLACK, WHITE and RED ALL OVER: The tipping point for Journalists and Other Writers
Now: Demand decreased for Journalists and Writers amid new disruption from social media companies exiting news agreements and increased use of AI. Government considering options aiming to re-open negotiations.

In June: Please keep your seatbelts fastened, demand for Air Transport Professionals has taken off
Now: Structural shifts led to decreased job ads, but workforce challenges persist, and sectoral prospects are outlined in the recent White Paper.

For more insights, read the latest report. 

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