New Gender Framework to innovate labour market and skills analysis and policy advice

The Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) first iteration of the Gender Framework has been published.

The framework will guide policymakers, analysts and stakeholders in embedding a more inclusive approach to workforce data and decision-making. It has been developed through collaboration and consultation with tripartite stakeholders and is intended as an evolving document open to live feedback as the Gender Economic Equality Study progresses.

Analysing Australia’s labour market and skills systems through gendered and intersectional lenses means more effective and evidence-based policy. It also means faster progress towards gender economic equality. 

The framework aligns with other government initiatives like Closing the Gap and the Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality to work towards better intersectional data to create the policy levers we need to manage inequalities in world of work and education. It positions JSA as an innovator across Government with its priority projects. 

The framework outlines five guiding principles:

  1. Interrogate and reform data – Using intersectional data to uncover deeper insights.
  2. Embed intersectionality – Acknowledging the diverse experiences and disadvantage in work and training.
  3. Collaborate and co-design – Engaging experts and communities for better informed solutions.
  4. Develop insight and indicators – Addressing structural barriers for long-term change.
  5. Innovate and lead by example – Strengthening JSA’s internal capabilities and leading data reforms.

JSA plays a key role in national skills planning. This work is essential for achieving Australia’s full skills potential. It will evolve over time, ensuring ongoing alignment with broader policy reforms and economic shifts.

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