On Thursday, 1 December 2022, Cliff Bingham, Assistant Secretary, Labour Market Research and Analysis Branch presented at the 31st Australian Labour Market Research Workshop 2022 on Australia’s current skills shortages.
Mr Bingham provided an overview of how Jobs and Skills Australia analyses skills shortages, key findings of the most recent analysis (previously conducted by the National Skills Commission), and an assessment of where gender or age skewed workforces may be exacerbating any shortages.
Some of the key findings include:
- there has been a big jump in shortages for professionals but shortages of trades workers are persistent
- persistent shortages are being exacerbated by a gender skewed workforce, with most of these reflecting male-dominated occupations
- occupations not in shortage are much less likely to have a gender skewed workforce
- there is less evidence of skewed age profiles (with respect to workers aged 55 and above) for occupations in shortage.
For more information, email media@jobsandskills.gov.au
Australian Labour Market Research Workshop.pdf