Engagement and Outreach Strategy

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    How we engage

    Our role is to engage, advise and assist government and other stakeholders in decision-making on current, emerging and future skills and workforce needs. To do this we work with our partners and other key stakeholders through collaboration, consultation and two-way sharing of information.

    Our Engagement and Outreach Strategy sets out the way we embed engagement within our work to reach and work with others. We have developed our Strategy across five principles that describe what stakeholders can expect from us.

    Our engagement principles


    Tripartism is fundamental to how we operate and is the foundation of our engagement however our approach extends beyond this to include other key stakeholders and perspectives across the skills system and labour market including the higher education and vocational education and training sectors.

    We seek and actively listen to the lived experience of First Nations people, people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse groups and others who have historically experienced labour market disadvantage and exclusion. Our national, economy-wide outlook is also complemented by a genuine focus on regional, rural and remote Australia, informed by the unique experience and perspectives of those outside our major metropolitan areas.

    We work with others in determining what we do and how we do it, seeking input into our work. We leverage the experience and insights of key stakeholders to ensure our work continues to be high quality and meet the evolving needs of Australia’s labour market. We want our stakeholders and end users to have a real say in the products and insights that impact their lives and work.

    Our engagement has a material impact on how our work is designed, delivered, evaluated and improved. Along with an evolving economy we recognise the needs and priorities of our partners and stakeholders also change over time. We have a growth mindset and we are committed to continuous improvement across our product and analytic offering.

    We care about the impact of our work and are invested in making our engagement a two-way discourse. In addition to seeking feedback on our work and how we go about it we want to ensure our work provides valuable and actionable insights that can be used by others to benefit their work and communities.

    We support the advice of others by providing independent advice and analysis to inform their initiatives. We also promote, share and showcase our work through an active outreach program. Our commitment is to share our work back with those who have contributed to its development as well as to others who can use it.

    We share information about engagement opportunities and are upfront about the scope, purpose and nature of that engagement. We also commit to transparency around our priorities and work program, and how stakeholder feedback and engagement has informed and impacted our work.

    We are building our strategic relationship capabilities within the Jobs and Skills Australia team to drive partnership opportunities. Over time we aim to build a sophisticated and fit-for-purpose engagement approach that achieves an effective, impactful and sustainable balance across partnerships, engagements and outreach. We recognise our engagement will evolve as we continue to work towards achieving this balance.

    We want to make it easy for our partners and stakeholders to connect with us. This includes offering a range of methods for communicating. Not everybody can, or feels comfortable to, meet in person – and we need to ensure that digital and remote capability is accessible, user-friendly and effective.

    It is not possible or practicable for everyone to be involved in some, or all, of our formal engagement forums, so it is important for us to have a dedicated mechanism where anyone can connect with us. We are always ready to listen and have implemented an always open online Connect with us hub.

    infographic outlining the 5 engagement principles of Jobs and Skills Australia - inclusive, effective, empowering, transparent, and easy.


    Engagement and Outreach Strategy.pdf



    Engagement and Outreach Strategy.docx

