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The Australian Government commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia to undertake a capacity study on the workforce needs of Australia’s Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector. This study provides critical evidence and insights to support current and future workforce planning for this important sector. The capacity study deepens our understanding of the early childhood education sector and found:
- The substantial uplift in workforce levels that are needed to meet current and future demand,
- The importance of putting in place sustainable ongoing learning and development for all staff and
- The need to ensure strong foundations for rewarding ECEC careers.
This study was undertaken in partnership with HumanAbility, the Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) with the responsibility for the Children’s Education and Care, Aged and Disability, Health, Human Services and Sport and Recreation industries and supported by a wide and expert steering group of 37 members from the sector and state and territory representatives.
To contact the team who conducted the study email: ECECWorkforce@jobsandskills.gov.au.
Watch: Stakeholders discuss the study’s key findings
This webinar panel discussion was held as part of the launch of Jobs and Skills Australia’s ECEC capacity study in September 2024.
Panel discussion – The future of the Early Childhood Education and Care report
Facilitated by David Turvey, Executive Director, Jobs and Skills Australia, and includes Barney Glover, Commissioner, Jobs and Skills Australia, Jennie Courtney, Executive Director, Stakeholder Engagement, HumanAbility, the Jobs and Skills Council, Michael Petrie, General Manager, Workforce, Engagement and Research, from the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority, and Kylie Crane, Deputy Secretary Early Childhood and Youth, from the Department of Education, Australian Government.
Study Report
The report below was published on 3 September 2024:
Terms of Reference
The final Terms of Reference for the study were published on 14 February 2024 and incorporated feedback from interested stakeholders. These were approved by the Minister of Skills and Training the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP.
Consultation paper
Jobs and Skills Australia released a consultation paper on 20th November 2023, which provided an opportunity for interested stakeholders to comment, share their diverse views, and allow us to gain an authentic picture of workforce practice in Australia. Consultation closed on 30th January 2024, with over 50 submissions received.
To contact the team conducting the study email ECECWorkforce@jobsandskills.gov.au.