Our next update to the Australian Skills Classification, due mid-year, will include a range of both new and revised occupation profiles. For the first time, Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) is inviting feedback on the draft profiles from interested stakeholders, ahead of their publication.
At present, the Australian Skills Classification provides the skills profiles for over 1,100 occupations, along with information on similarities between occupations and also skills transferability.
The occupation profiles group skills into three categories:
- Specialist tasks - the day-to-day tasks typically performed within an occupation.
- Core competencies - ten core skills required by every job. The Classification uses a 10-point scale to describe the complexity of each core competency for each occupation.
- Technology tools - the software or hardware commonly used within an occupation.
The skills featured in the profiles have been identified using Australian data sources, including job advertisements, education and training guides, regulations and other Australian skills and occupation frameworks.
A methodology paper for the ASC will be published on the Jobs and Skills Australia website soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions about how these profiles have been developed, please contact us at skillsclassification@jobsandskills.gov.au
Review the draft profiles
Making a submission
To make a submission, download the spreadsheet for the relevant occupation and add your feedback to the spreadsheet as indicated.
Email the updated spreadsheet to SkillsClassification@jobsandskills.gov.au by 20:00 AEDT Wednesday 1 March 2023.
Next steps
Based on the feedback received, the draft profiles will be reviewed and updated prior to publication mid-year.
Jobs and Skills Australia will regularly release occupation profiles in draft form for stakeholder feedback prior to publication.
To join our mailing list or provide feedback about how we can improve existing occupation profiles, please write to SkillsClassification@jobsandskills.gov.au