Online job ads hold steady

This story was first published on Thursday 6 June 2024.

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Vacancy Report May 2024

Online job ads increased slightly last month, up by 0.2% or 420 in seasonally adjusted terms, according to the Internet Vacancy Index (IVI).

Though job vacancies remain about 40% higher than in 2019, the last substantial monthly increase was more than 12 months ago.

Online job ads were down in 5 states and territories, with the ACT recording the biggest drop. 

Results across major occupation and skill level groups were mixed, with increases for both Sales Workers and Technicians and Trades Workers reflected in increases for Skill Level 3 and 5 occupation groups.

Job advertisements decreased the most in capital cities over the year, down by 16.1%, compared to a 14.3% decrease in regional Australia.

Monthly spotlight: Please keep your seatbelts fastened, demand for Air Transport Professionals has taken off

Since late last year, jobs ads for Air Transport Professionals have jumped to an all-time high not seen in the two decades of the Internet Vacancy Index. While post-COVID demand for all job ads has been declining since the peak of recruitment activity in 2022 (down by 19.7%), online job advertisements for Air Transport Professionals have continued to increase by 72.9%. 

At the same time, both pilots and flying instructors were identified as being in shortage nationally in Jobs and Skills Australia’s 2023 Skills Priority List, which may be constraining the pipeline of new pilots.

Despite the intensity of recruitment activity, Australian employment numbers for Air Transport Professionals remain relatively stable but some characteristics of the international labour market for pilots are relevant to conditions in the Australian market. For example, in the North American sector, pilot shortages already exist and the mandatory retirement age of 65 is expected to deplete available workers even further. Experienced Australian pilots that satisfy the unusually high entry requirements for these roles in North America are already being sought with reportedly attractive conditions offered.

As with many occupations identified as in shortage, a gender imbalance exists, particularly among pilots, with a 7.2% female share of employment. This is in line with the international workforce.

With continuing global growth in the aviation sector, workforce challenges are likely to persist.