New labour force trend data hits the JSA website

This story was first published on Tuesday 27 August 2024.

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Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has published new trended labour force data at the occupation and industry level. This data offers a clearer picture of underlying changes in employment through time, complementing the labour force data published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). 

National and state/territory level data, along with a supporting Industry and Occupation Employment Trending Methodology paper are now available on the JSA website. This material is designed to provide you with deeper insights into the Australian employment landscape,  

The new data builds on the diverse range of labour market products published by JSA such as the Jobs and Skills Atlas and Employment Projections. It’s another example of how JSA is enabling better strategic decision-making, workforce planning and labour market analysis for all our stakeholders. 

Data will be updated quarterly.

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