Meeting the challenges facing Australia’s food supply chain essential to food security and export industries

A major report into the food supply chain workforce has found it to be essential but facing challenges, including issues specific to regional, rural and remote Australia and the availability of accessible education and training. 

The Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) report, An Essential Ingredient – The Food Supply Chain Workforce, makes 41 recommendations in relation to the workforce needs of Australia’s food production, manufacturing, transport and distribution industries and identifies key opportunities to improve outcomes for students, workers and employers. It also looks at the critical role of Australia’s veterinary and biosecurity workforces. 

JSA Commissioner, Professor Barney Glover, highlighted that the report makes clear the importance of regions in supporting the food supply chain workforce.  

“The food supply chain is one of the largest employers in regional, rural and remote Australia and covers an incredibly diverse mix of industries, locations and workforce needs,” said Professor Glover.

“With 85% of food production workers located in regional areas, it’s important that we continue to support this workforce through housing availability and access to essential services such as childcare and healthcare.”

JSA has recommended the elevation of food to a national priority in workforce policy and a clearer vision for Australia’s food security and exports.  

“Recognising food as a national priority strengthens the food supply chain workforce and its interactions with the national skills system. 

“Our study demonstrates the importance of developing and supporting work-based learning, such as apprenticeships and traineeships.  

“Within higher education, there’s potential for deeper partnerships, particularly for research pathways.  

“This means that we need to make sure that young people are supported to study in regional areas, where so many food supply chain jobs are located.” 

The report is available from

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