Atlas has launched: A comprehensive tool for labour market data

This story was first published on Thursday 15 August 2024.

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Jobs and Skills Atlas, a new labour market data tool, has now officially launched after a year in beta during which stakeholders and the public were invited to provide feedback. 

In the first public tool of its kind, users can find labour market data on individual regions across Australia and compare it directly to other regions or state and national data.

Offering a user-friendly interface that combines a variety of key JSA labour market datasets in one place, Atlas provides a comprehensive overview of labour market data at national, state, and regional levels. Use Atlas to:

  • investigate industry data at the divisional level (ANZSIC1) and sub-divisional level (ANZSIC2). Discover:
    • employment projections for the future
    • the top industries  region. 
  • investigate occupations data, including:
    • employment and vacancy data over time
    • average weekly earnings over time, part-time, age and female share.
  • identify challenges such as industry competition for the same employment pool
  • assess future demand and shortage ratings for occupations
  • review business activity 
  • compare two regional economic areas. 

New data and features will be regularly added.

For help or to provide feedback on Atlas, email: