The Jobs and Skills Australia work plan focusses on providing high-quality independent advice to underpin Australia’s response to current, emerging and future workforce, skills and training needs.
Each annual work plan will set out the priorities for the financial year. In 2022-23 we are focussed on:
Strategic advice into the key pillars of the National Skills System, including major in-depth studies, in partnership with Jobs and Skills Councils and tripartite collaboration (business, unions, and states and territories).
Undertaking major in-depth and capacity studies of national significance for the labour market: | |
Clean energy capacity study to examine the workforce that Australia needs to transition to a clean energy economy | Ongoing through 2022-23 |
National Study of Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Skills to assess the current foundation skills of adults across Australia | Ongoing through 2022-23 and beyond |
Making significant contributions to shape national projects: | |
Input into the Employment White Paper and Migration System Review processes | Ongoing through 2022-23 and beyond |
Supporting the development of a new National Skills Agreement and the Universities Accord processes | Ongoing through 2022-23 and beyond |
Developing interactive partnerships with: | |
Jobs and Skills Councils and collaboration with states and territories | Ongoing through 2022-23 and beyond |
Ongoing and regular publications including analysis of labour markets, skills needs and skills shortages.
Continuing to deliver sound and influential analysis of the labour market including: | Frequency | Publication timing |
Nowcast of Employment by Region and Occupation | Monthly | ~Week 1 of each month |
Labour Market Dashboards | Monthly | ~Week 2-3 of each month |
Recruitment Insights Report | Monthly | ~Week 3 of each month |
Internet Vacancy Index | Monthly | ~Week 3-4 of each month |
Quarterly Labour Market Update | Quarterly | February, May |
Small Area Labour Markets | Quarterly | March, June |
Australian Labour Market for Migrants | Quarterly | May |
Progressing detailed analysis of skills and skills needs including: | Frequency | Publication timing |
Skills Priority List | Yearly | September |
5-yearly employment projections | Yearly | November/December |
Australian Skills Classification (currently under review) | TBC |
Ongoing research and development to enhance advice, drive continuous innovation and improvement, develop new intellectual property and address data gaps.
Expanding our capability to analyse and provide advice on the labour market and skills outlook across industries, occupations, regions, and cohorts: | |
A national skills supply and demand framework | Ongoing through 2022-23 and beyond |
Development of outputs based on the VET National Data Asset and the Higher Education Data Asset, to expand analysis around pathways into VET and pathways between VET and higher education | Ongoing through 2022-23 and beyond |
Analysing VET system performance | Ongoing through 2022-23 and beyond |
Enterprise systems and enabling activities to support strategic and effective operations.
Investing in deepening our engagement and outreach with partners across industry, state and territory governments, Jobs and Skills Councils and community groups through our engagement and outreach approach: | |
This includes developing an engagement and communication strategy | June 2023 |
This also captures ensuring internal governance and data sharing arrangements are fit for purpose and provide the externally facing digital structures required to best meet our user needs: | |
A data sharing platform to facilitate information exchange with the Jobs and Skills Councils | Ongoing through 2022-23 and beyond |
A Memorandum of Understanding between Jobs and Skills Australia and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations | June 2023 |