Our role

Our role is to engage, advise and assist the Australian Government and other stakeholders in decision-making on the current, emerging and future skills and workforce needs of the Australian economy. This includes in regional, rural and remote Australia, and on the development of new industries and new technologies. To do this, we provide high quality data, analysis, and insights to better understand Australia’s skills and labour shortages across the economy. A priority for us is providing independent advice on the effectiveness of Australia’s current vocational education and training, higher education, and migration systems to meet Australia’s future skills and workforce needs. Engagement is central to the way we work and achieve our priorities. We are committed to working with others in determining what we do and how we do it. We want your input on our work. In addition to getting involved in our engagement opportunities, we will also welcome your feedback, ideas, and insights at any time via our dedicated Connect with us hub.
Our role

Strategic Plan

JSA Strategic Plan 2024-27.pdf

JSA Strategic Plan 2024-27_0.pdf1885739


Statement of Intent and Expectations

JSA Statement of Expectations.pdf

Attachment A - JSA Statement of Expectations - March 2025.pdf76426


Jobs and Skills Australia Statement of Intent.pdf

