Exploratory Analysis of VET Qualification Similarity

This tool is a beta release of the Jobs and Skills Australia's initial analysis on the similarity of Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses within and across training packages. Natural language processing methods were applied to calculate the similarity across the units within the course, the course descriptions and the frequency of keywords within these texts (read the methodology paper). The preliminary analysis includes training package qualifications and does not include accredited courses or nationally accredited skill sets.

To use the tool, enter a current qualification into the search bar. A table will then be populated showing the most similar qualifications. These can be filtered by selecting options such by specifying the qualification level or by ensuring both qualifications are in different training packages.

Jobs and Skills Australia welcomes any feedback and suggestions on model improvements and use cases via skillsintelligence@jobsandskills.gov.au.



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Top 100 matches

Qualification Level
Similarity Level
Same Training Package
Similarity Focus
Please select a Qualification
8259 exploreVetSimilarity