ANZSCO 712916

Paper and Pulp Mill Operators













Paper and Pulp Mill Operators operate plants to produce paper pulp from woodchips and to make paper sheets.

  • Loads the digester with raw materials and chemicals
  • Regulates and adjusts the temperature and pressure within the digester
  • Tests samples by titration or standard colour test to determine completion of process
  • Drains liquid from digester and monitors the removal of the cooked pulp
  • Takes samples of bleached material for laboratory testing
  • Washes bleached material and blends to obtain uniform quality
  • May be required to add chemicals during the bleaching process and complete chemical or electrolytic tests
  • Undertakes the addition of size, fillers, dyes, alum and chemicals, and tests for correct consistency
  • Ensures transfer of completed batch to storage tanks where it is kept under agitation to maintain consistency
  • May mix and cook colouring matter for dyeing product in the machine
  • Controls flow of wet pulp through rotary screens to paper making machines
  • Operates drier and calendar rollers
  • Operates super-calendar to impart gloss and finish to surface of paper
  • Operates machine to glaze or impregnate paper with coating mixture
  • Separates sheets from felts and lays sheets in packs, re-presses packs
  • Separates sheets from pack and dries
On this page

    Hours worked

    Source: ABS, 2021 Census of Population and Housing based on place of usual residence.
    Note: those who were classified as "Employed, away from work" at the time of the 2021 Census (accounting for approx. 8% of total employment), have been excluded from the "Average full-time hours worked per week" denominator.
    Hours worked Paper and Pulp Mill Operators All Occupations
    Share of workers who work full-time hours 91% 64%
    Average full-time hours worked per week 45 hours 44 hours


    Paper and Pulp Mill Operators work in industries like:

    Source: ABS, 2021 Census of Population and Housing based on place of usual residence.
    Note: industries that comprise less than 5% of an occupation have been suppressed.

    States and territories

    New South Wales






    South Australia




    Northern Territory


    Australian Capital Territory


    Source: ABS, 2021 Census of Population and Housing based on place of usual residence.

    Age and gender

    Age and Gender Profile
    Source: ABS, 2021 Census of Population and Housing based on place of usual residence.
    Age and Gender Paper and Pulp Mill Operators All Occupations
    Median age 49 years 40 years
    Female share of employment 9% 49%
    Source: ABS, 2021 Census of Population and Housing based on place of usual residence.
    Age Profile (% Share) All Occupations Paper and Pulp Mill Operators
    15–19 5.2 0.6
    20–24 9.1 3.3
    25–34 22.7 16.9
    35–44 22.3 21.2
    45–54 20.4 25.7
    55–59 8.8 16.9
    60–64 6.5 11.5
    65 and Over 4.9 3.4



    • Your Career to compare Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, providers and student outcomes.
    Source: ABS, 2021 Census of Population and Housing based on place of usual residence. Highest qualification completed by workers in this job (in any field of study).
    Qualifications needed by new workers might be different from the qualifications of workers already in the job.
    Note: the sum of the educational attainment categories may not add up to 100% due to the exclusion of non-descriptive categories such as not stated responses.
    Highest Level of Educational Attainment (% Share) All Occupations Paper and Pulp Mill Operators
    Post Graduate/Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate 12.2 1.8
    Bachelor degree 23.2 4.8
    Advanced Diploma/Diploma 11.1 5.4
    Certificate III/IV 19.5 28.5
    Year 12 15.9 22.5
    Year 11 4.0 8.8
    Year 10 and below 9.7 25.0

    This file contains data displayed on the Occupation Profile pages.

    Use of data in this file must include the relevant attribution text provided.

    Occupation profiles data - November 2024.xlsx



    Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) is the skill-based classification system used to categorise occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets. ANZSCO provides a basis for the standardised collection, analysis and dissemination of occupation data. Visit the ABS website to learn how ANZSCO works. Jobs and Skills Australia displays data for occupations that are defined by ANZSCO 2013 Version 1.3.