Engagement is central to the way we deliver our vision and legislated functions, this includes the approach used for developing our annual work plan. We want to hear from you on how we develop our annual work plan.
Our work plan is focussed on providing high-quality independent advice to underpin Australia’s response to current, emerging and future workforce, skills and training needs. Each work plan sets out the outcomes and priorities for the year such as our major in-depth and capacity studies – including workforce planning, cohort analysis and other topics.
The work plan will guide us in undertaking our functions which are focussed on improving skills development, employment opportunities and economic growth. This is particularly important in the current economic environment where a shortage of skilled workers is one of the biggest economic challenges currently facing Australia. It is also important when looking ahead to emerging and future workforce skills and training needs.
To effectively do this, it is important that our approach for developing the annual work plan reflects the needs of our stakeholders.
Making a submission
Jobs and Skills Australia welcomes feedback on this consultation paper by 12.00pm AEST on Thursday 20 July 2023.
We will use the feedback on the consultation paper to inform our work plan development process.
Please send your feedback or any further questions to connectwithus@jobsandskills.gov.au.