Food Supply Chain Capacity Study - Terms of Reference

Jobs and Skills Australia is undertaking an independent capacity study on the workforce needs of Australia’s food supply chain. The Food Supply Chain Capacity Study will provide critical evidence, insights and recommendations to support workforce planning, policy development and program design for the core components of the food supply chain workforce.

Draft Terms of Reference for the study have been developed and Jobs and Skills Australia is inviting stakeholder feedback on these between 10:00AM (AEDT) 21 February 2024 and 10:00AM (AEDT) 6 March 2024. The draft Terms of Reference (ToR) set out the proposed scope, governance, and consultation arrangements of the study and the process by which Jobs and Skills Australia will deliver its findings.

The study will focus its efforts on addressing evidence gaps in priority areas and will consider the challenges and opportunities that exist across the food production, transformation, and distribution workforce.

Draft Terms of Reference

Food Supply Chain - Draft Terms of Reference



Food Supply Chain - Draft Terms of Reference



Providing feedback and making a submission

Jobs and Skills Australia welcomes your feedback on the study’s Terms of Reference. Please send submissions via email to

Next steps

Feedback on the draft Terms of Reference will be considered prior to them being finalised by the Australian Government. The final Terms of Reference will be published on the Jobs and Skills Australia website.

Jobs and Skills Australia will be inviting further contributions from stakeholders on this project through submissions and stakeholder engagement activities during 2024. Further details will be published on the Jobs and Skills Australia website soon.


Jobs and Skills Australia may collect personal information when you make a submission or comment in response to our Food Supply Chain Capacity Study Terms of Reference. If Jobs and Skills Australia receives personal information that it has taken no active steps to collect, that information may be treated as unsolicited personal information and will be dealt with in accordance with Jobs and Skills Australia Privacy Policy.